"In between stimulus and response there is a space"
Victor Frankl
Mindfulness for Children
Sentence: Benefits of incorporating mindfulness in education +
Mindfulness in Schools Project deliver world leading mindfulness curricula for school aged children.
About the course
Paws b (primary) and .b (secondary) courses offer practical ways of helping children develop their growth mindset, resilience and self-leadership.
Both paws b and .b can be taught in 6 or 12 lessons of 30 mins or 1hr in any educational setting where safeguarding protocols are in place.
View the course structure here
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Courses and Books
Paws b
Primary Schools
A flexible and engaging PSHE course developed by MiSP
for 7-11 year olds
- promotes well being and resilience
- gives children practical tools to calm, regulate and self sooth
- teaches simple neuroscience that normalises human experience
- encourages choiceful, informed decision making
- improves concentration and attention
Free 30min call to explore
Secondary Schools
A flexible and engaging PSHE course developed by MiSP for
11-16 year olds
- promotes well being and resilience
- gives children practical tools to calm, regulate and self sooth
- teaches simple neuroscience that normalises human experience
- encourages choiceful, informed decision making
- improves concentration and attention
Free 30min call to explore
Books for children
A short list of beautiful books to inspire children.
Topics include, mindfulness, philosophy, nature, growth mindset and leadership.
I am an affiliate of bookshop.org
(an independent alternative to Amazon).
Any royalties received from purchases you make goes towards funding the mindfulness teaching that I offer local schools
Books for adults
A short list of useful books on mindfulness.
I am an affiliate of bookshop.org
(an independent alternative to Amazon).
Any royalties received from purchases you make goes towards funding the mindfulness teaching that I offer local schools
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Mindfulness for Adults
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MBSR Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
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