I wrote this poem whilst studting at the Roffey Institute in response to the question 'who are you?'
I am
A human being. A humble human being.
A lifelong learner. Lover of life, the adventure and the experience.
Through all of my senses and more.
I love change and enjoy exploring the opportunities it brings
I am clear on my priorities and my responsibilities
I learn from the highs and lows of experience
I get things wrong often
I treasure and hold dear what matters to me most; my family.
I work to understand other perspectives and reflect on my own; I am content to let go
I work to be best that I can be.
In every moment, I believe there is an invitation and an offering no matter how horrible it may first appear.
It would be cool if we celebrated more; there is great untapped joy & nourishment in doing so
The best things in life are free
I feel fulfilled when I am enabling myself and others
I am at home and in full flow when I am connected
I enjoy life most in the ‘centre ring’, leading by example,
Just one example, right or wrong. A lead. Any lead
I get a buzz as neurons fire.
I am sporty. Hockey is one of many loves. Running too if I admit it.
I am playful and energetic and love to muck about and laugh. I can go fast
I can go slow. I am sincere and learned
I understand the importance of feeling every emotion, and the consequences of not.
I have experiences of soft power at its best and ‘power over’ at its worst
I understand what it is to trust someone and to be violated
I feel compassion towards others as well as myself
I understand that there is always another story. Another side to the coin
With age comes ever deepening wisdom
I value the lessons and experiences of those that have gone before us
They are wise. knowingly and unknowingly
I enjoy helping others and influencing positive change
No drama lama. Just simple stuff
In this moment I feel completely whole, mind, body and soul working in unison.
I think best, and speak most clearly when I am moving.
I am playful. Innovative. Creative. Spirited
I am privileged beyond measure to play and learn alongside my children
Giving birth is amazeballs. A transformative act of nature.
A mind, body stretching experience
Rites of passage
Holding space for another in the first and last breath is an honour
I will always be grateful for both
I cherish my husband and what we have. My gentle, beautiful, kind and clever husband
Struggles I know come and go. How we work with them and each other is what counts
I value the lessons of the past, present and visions of the future
Right now I am present with my children. This moment.
In tandem encouraging the world to give them space and time to grow. Opening doors for their contribution too
I am at one in nature. Beautiful nature
Walking in the dales, the undulating hills, dry stone walls, babbling brooks and sties. Our happy place
The colours and moods of the vast open fenland skies, encompass and inspire me daily
Colour, conditions of character, filled with birdsong and communities of trees,
Sustaining energy in order to preserve the beauty of life
The golden sun, the silver moon
Connected, whole, purposeful
Everything of its time, and place