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Now is the time

...lets explore...

Leading change  


It's lovely to see you here.


I'm Emily. I'm a strategy and organisational change consultant and leadership coach.  I partner with senior leaders, individuals, and teams leading change.


I believe that relationships are everything and that we all have our own inner sources of power, wisdom and creativity. 


Please take a look around the site and reach out for a virtual cuppa; I would love to hear from you, and where you are on your journey.


(Please be patient if you find a link that is not yet live; the site is under continuous development)


What Clients Say...

"Emily has all the qualities that make a big difference in forward thinking companies: teamwork, foresight, creativity, change management, vision and a passion for excellence. I love working with her".

Mike, CEO

In the Spotlight

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Busting the Myths of Leadership

We all lead in our lives. Busting Myths is a not for profit programme run with fellow collbaorator Steve Holliday of Lacerta Consulting.


Steve and I share a passion for leadership and empowerment and in this programme we bring the work we do in organisaitons out into the community at a snitch of the price.


The next round of Busting Myths is taking place in person in Cambridgeshire. It is open to anyone and everyone curious about their leadership and impact. We would love to connect with you and to support you on your journey. 

The Creative Studio

 The Creative Studio is a little haven set in the beautiful expansiveness of the Cambridgeshire Fen.

It's a place where busy executives and leaders can create some space, slow down, get present and think differently.


This is your permission slip to create space and time for yourself to inquire, explore, and tap into your own wisdom and creativity.






Crafting Leadership Presence

Leaning-in to the long tradition of crafting and women's circles and combining it with organisation and leadership development. 


 My 2 yrs of work at Roffey Institute was a small part of a deep and expansive journey into my roots, who I am in my work and the value of intuition and presence in crafting leadership.


Presence, intuition, straight talking wisdom coupled with compassion, collaboration, and creativity;

what's not to love?


Enabling the Leaders of Tomorrow


Mindfulness is a way of being in wise and purposeful relationship with our experience, both inwardly and outwardly. Through regular practice we build non-judgmental, compassionate awareness of our experience, so that we can make wise and purposful  choices about how we show up in the world.  




Mindfulness in Schools Project deliver world leading curiccula for classroom based mindfulness; helping school communities grow resilient, compassionate and emotionally intelligent leaders. Written by teachers, for teachers, the impact of these teachings is truly amazing.



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The future is full of possibility...

...lets explore...
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